Page 13 - TAITRONICS & AIoT Taiwan 2023
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TAITRONICS & AIOT Taiwan 2023 Show Profile

                                  TAITRONICS  2023  (49 th  Taipei  International  Electronics  Show)
                  Exhibition  Title
                                  AIoT  Taiwan  2023  (6 th  Taiwan  International  AIoT  Show)

                                  October  25 th ,  10  a.m.–5  p.m.
                                  October  26 th ,  10  a.m.–5  p.m.
               Exhibition  Dates&Hours
                                  October  27 th ,  10  a.m.–4  p.m.
                                  Welcome  all  industry  insiders  to  register  online.

                                  Taiwan  External  Trade  Development  Council  (TAITRA)
                   Organizers     Taiwan  Electrical  and  Electronic  Manufacturers'  Association

                                  Taipei  Nangang  Exhibition  Center,  Hall  1  (TaiNEX  1)
                 Exhibition  Venue
                                  (1,  Jingmao  2 nd  Rd,  Taipei,  Taiwan)

                 Concurrent  Shows   TPCA  Show  2023

                                  ■  Electronic  Components  &  Parts
                                  ■  Meters  &  Instruments
                                  ■  Next-G  Communication  Tech  &  Applications
                                  ■  Green  Power(Cells,  Batteries  &  Power  Supplies)
                                  ■  Industrial  Process  &  Automation  Equipment
                Exhibiting  Category   ■  Consumer  Products  and  Automotive  Electronics
                                  AIoT  Taiwan
                                  ■  IoT  Devices  &  Sensors  (IoT  Getway)
                                  ■  Cloud,  5G  &  Broadband  Communication
                                  ■  Intelligent  Services
                                  ■  Metaverse  Ecosystem
                                  ■  AIot-start  up

            Taipei International Electronics Show 2023                            B-3
            Taiwan International AIoT Show
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